FOURTH QUALITY COMMENT- Thank God I'm a country boy!
Lanjarón, the town where I live, is really small. It doesn´t even have 4,000 inhabitants. It´s almost 3 times smaller than Salobreña! This has its advantages and disadvantages. In the future, I would love to live outside my town, but I would like my future children to be able to spend their holidays in Lanjarón, despite living in another city. On the one hand, I really like when in summer, elderly ladies are sitting at the entrance of their houses. Normally, as they do not recognize you, they usually ask you: “whose granddaughter are you?”. I love when they ask me this question because everyone knows my grandparents and they are very loved in my town. On the other hand, it´s horrible how little privacy there is in a town. Whenever you go, you will meet someone you know. In addition, in the towns there are many gossips and many rumors that have been made up by people. I´m a very discreet person and I don't like people talking about me, much less if what they say is not true!