Comment 14- Slow, but where's the point in hurrying?
I think that one of the most important things in life is to achieve the goals that you set for yourself. It doesn´t matter if it takes more or less time, the main purpose is to achieve your goal. We often propose things to ourselves, but especially at Christmas, with New Year's resolutions.
We normally think about the things that we would like to improve or start doing and we plan to do them during the year. Sometimes, they are typical goals like giving up smoking, improving our marks, going to the gym... But sometimes, we set ourselves more specific goals that take longer to achieve.
From my point of view, we should all have goals to reach, because otherwise, we would be living a pointless life. It doesn´t matter if they are small things, like small changes to improve something. All the big changes start with smaller ones...
I also think that there isn´t greater satisfaction than reaching your goal. The feeling that you have when you have achieved it is one of the best in the world. Perhaps, it isn´t as important to have New Year's resolutions as resolutions during the whole year. Whenever there is something that you aren´t doing well, try to improve it and keep going until you do it!
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