Comment 3- Stop rural depopulation!!!


In the villages, there are usually older people than younger people. This is because the elderly ones prefer to stay in their village since it´s the only thing they have ever known and some of them would even be lost if they lived in a city. Young people prefer visiting new places, and they move to other cities, especially to continue their university studies, and in some cases even bachiller.

It´s a big problem that towns begin to depopulate because the cities are more and more crowded and there will be a time when it will be very difficult to find a house there. In many cases, it´s necessary, for example, to go to university, as I mentioned before. To be able to do it, you have to move there if your town is very far because if you don't, you have to travel all the time and that is a waste of money and of time.

Living in a town has many advantages. Personally, I really like that everyone knows you, and when elderly ladies ask you: "Who are your parents?". In addition, there is less pollution, because you can walk everywhere and you don´t have to take your car. My town, Lanjarón, is really beautiful because it´s a very touristic town. I love living here. 

However, I may move one day, since there are many things that you can´t do in a town, such as going shopping or going to the mall. In addition, in the city, it´s easier to find work. I think I will live outside Lanjarón for a period of time, at least while I finish my studies, but I will never stop coming here. Little by little, the towns are modernizing, although, inevitably it will never be like the city. The village atmosphere is much more beautiful than that of the city.


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