Comment 15- Sleeping like a log


                                        Sleeping like a log

    Many young people have sleep problems nowadays. This is very harmful because sleep is essential for our health. During the school year, it may be due to the fact that you have to stay up until late because of the exams. Also for watching movies and series on Netflix, or thinking about our problems. There are so many things that keep us awake ...

    But… what is the real problem? Mobile phones or videogames are the cause of these problems. If we have electronic devices in our room we use them until late and this takes many hours of sleep.

   This is something really negative because if we don't rest, we aren´t attentive at school or anywhere. Therefore, we are always tired and sleepy and nothing goes well. We teenagers should sleep an average of 8 to 9 hours a day, and almost no one does. We usually sleep about 6 and a half hours on average, and that is not enough. We rest very little and this is really bad for our health.

    A good tip to sleep better is to leave the mobile phone outside the room or turn it off so as not to be distracted by social media or chatting with friends. If you have to stay studying one night, it doesn´t matter, but don't make it a habit. Perhaps we should organize ourselves better in the afternoon so that we only have to check that we know the exam at night and go to sleep so that we can go to the exam rested. I think that is very important.


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