Comment 14- 2021, time to bounce back!!

                                2021, time to bounce back!!

    I sincerely hope this new year is better than the last one. We will have the vaccine early and I think that this will improve the situation a lot. Or at least I hope so! Although it is still too early to decide how the year will advance...

    I always try to set my goals easy to accomplish. If they are a few, I try to achieve all of them. Last year, I decided to save money to buy a new computer, do more sport and watch film classics. I achieved to save a lot of money and as I was in quarantine I had a lot of free time at home, so I did a lot of sport and I watched an average of 3 films a week, so I managed to fulfil my 2020 goals.

    This year my New Year's goals are to be more organized because I always have my room like a mess and also my wardrobe. I started the year tidying it, so I hope it lasts the whole year tidy. I also want to read more, because I have some new books that I haven´t read yet. I have also wanted to get the B2, so I will work very hard to achieve it.

    I think this year will be much better. Little by little, we are making great progress, and I am not just referring to the coronavirus... In Argentina, misbirth in hospitals has been legalized and that is something really positive for feminism. Also, from 1st of January 2021, both parents will have the same time of parental leave, specifically 16 weeks, for the birth of a child. They are very good advances that we have already made for 2021. And I trust that we will advance much more!!


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