Comment 3- Here comes October!!
Here comes October!!
October is such a great month! Autumn is coming and with it the rain, Halloween, cold and chestnuts! I love this time of year, even though I prefer heat to cold, but I also like this climate because it isn´t cold at all and some days you can wear summer clothes instead of winter ones.
However October is also a hard month for the students. The exams are already here! You have to study a lot, do homework and spend a lot of time studying, but if you organize yourself well, you will always have time to watch a movie with a blanket and popcorn while you are listening to the rain.
If I could travel in October, it would probably be to New England. I love the brown and orange colour of the trees. It seems to be a beautiful scenery that is worth seeing in person. I wish I could travel one day to see it. Going for a walk around there must be so relaxing! In fact, autumn clothes seem the most beautiful to me; jackets, fine sweaters, jeans, blazers, scarves...
About the latest news about COVID-19 pandemic and President Donald Trump ... I think it´s totally understandable and it is not unexpected that the president of the USA ended up passing the virus. He didn´t use to wear a facemask and even laughed at the citizens who did. He said that if you drank bleach the virus would go away, and he also minimized the dangers of COVID-19 during the quarantine.
Although I already expect everything from Trump… The elections for the president of the United States are near, and the results of the polls for him are terrible. Did Trump make up his illness and that of his wife Melania just to divert people's attention? It is scary how such an idiot man like Donald Trump is at the command of a country as powerful and important as the United States. I hope that in these elections a more coherent and sensible result is obtained than in the past ones 4 years ago.
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